說到年份香檳,那必須要來談當年份的氣候狀況。CIVC 的年份報告指出, 2012 年為異常艱難的一年,葡萄園中能遇到的問題這一年幾乎無一倖免,冬季極寒,春季霜凍,降雨過多,冰雹頻襲,花季降溫,乾旱高溫等等。 直到七月中旬,天氣才穩定下來,燦爛的 8 月和溫暖的 9 月造就了出色但數量少的 Pinot Noir,由於極端天氣,2012 年產量很低,近乎與 2003 年相差無幾。 所以酒莊精選出來的葡萄質量非常高,是目前 2008年之後最好的年份。
Michael Edwards 2012 最好的香檳:「Louis Roederer Cristal & La Grande Dame & Gosset Brabant Noirs d’Ay & Vilmart Grand Cellier d’Or」
Louis Roederer Cristal 2012
限量 12 瓶
WE 98/ WS 97/ WA97
VIP 含稅收藏價 $9,850/ 瓶
Aromas of clear honey, crisp green orchard fruit, white peach, pastry cream and dried white flowers introduce the 2012 Cristal, a full-bodied, concentrated and powerful wine that’s built for the cellar. Broader, more textural and more muscular than the 2008 Cristal, with seemingly even greater reserves of structuring dry extract, the 2012 is incisive and searingly chalky. This is the first Cristal produced exclusively from organically farmed fruit, and it marks the opening of a new chapter for Louis Roderer. The blend is 60% Pinot Noir and 40% Chardonnay, vinified without malolactic fermentation and disgorged with 7.5 grams per liter dosage. Chef de Caves Jean-Baptiste Lecaillon has once again excelled himself. (WA)